• How do I submit work? 

    It is important that you read the directions for each assignment. For some assignments, you will submit work on Commonlit.org. For other assignments, you will write your answers on a sheet of paper, take a photo of it and email it to me at fcowart@nfschools.net or you can text me the photo using REMIND.

    What will I need to complete assignments?

    You will need a pen/paper and paper. You will also need an email address to communicate with me and submit work.  You will need a computer or cell phone with internet access. If your situation changes or if you do not have internet access, contact me ASAP. 

    Will this work be graded?

    Yes. This work will be used to determine your 40 week grade.

    What if I miss an assignment?

    Since these assignments are for a grade, get the assignment in ASAP.

    Do I have to do this everyday?

    Yes, it is important that you check my webpage everyday and complete the assignments. 

    I am confused/I have a question. What is the best way to contact Mrs. Cowart?

    Email or Remind

    How will I know you received my work?

    I will always send you a email stating that I received your work and it will include a grade and feedback. 

Last Modified on April 7, 2020