Welcome to our class webpage!
Mrs. Sweitzer
Please sign up for the Remind app:
Mods 2 and 3- text @kgah8g to 81010
Mods 7/8, 9/10, and 12- text @tsweitzer to 81010
Parents and students: Please check this webpage daily for any updated assignments, directions, and due dates.
There are many ways to return completed assignments.
1. Open the assignment, complete it, save it to your computer, and e-mail it me as an attachment.
2. Open a Word document, type your answers, save it to your compter, and send it to my e-mail address as an attachment
3. Type your answers in an e-mail and send it to my e-mail.
4. Write your answers in a notebook, take a picture and send it to me through the Remind app.
5. If you have a printer, you can print the assignment, complete it, take a picture, and send it through the Remind app.