Hello Everyone!
Welcome to the Twilight Algebra 1 online assignment page!!!
I hope you are all doing well!
For information on the 40 week marking period please click on the calendar tab to the left, select the date, and follow the instructions or links contained in the description. We will be using the website emathinstruction.com to complete the unit. This site is free to use, and it has lessons, homework, and video lessons on the material contained in each lesson. Please make sure you have access to your Texas Instruments graphing calculator as it is essential for this unit. If not please click on the graphing calculator information tab to the left and download one for free!
The work on my web site is for the after school Twilight Program only. If you are a student during the day from
Mr. Stockings and my class, please refer to Mr. Stockings web page for your assignments.
If you need assistance with any of the assignments, please email me and we will connect.
Remind Codes
Algebra 1 Twilight Code is:
81010 @ alg@9-10tw
Castle Learning