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- Alterio, A - English
- Amoretti, M - Physical Education
- Balogh, D Health
- Barstys, C - TSA (TRC Director)
- Bass, D - Dean of Students
- Belin, J - Science
- Bianco, A - School Counselor
- Bianco, C - Physical Education
- Bodkin, R - English
- Bradley, B - Business
- Briglio, M - Science
- Burke, C - English
- Campbell, M - Business
- Canterbury, K - Science
- Capone, R - English
- Carey, B -Phys Ed /Credit Recovery
- Carey, M - World Languages
- Catanzaro, M - Dean of Students
- Ceccato, E - Math
- Chiarella, A - English
- Chmaj, B - Music
- Ciccone, C - Science
- Colangelo, G - Business
- Collins, B - English
- Collins, J - History
- Colosi, J - Math
- Constantino, J - Science
- Contento, J - Athletic Director
- Conti, J - TSA/ PS2 Office
- Copelin, C - Library Media
- Counseling Center
- Cowart, F - TSA/Dean of Students
- Crumpton, M - Transition Coordinator
- Cuddahee, C - Social Studies
- Custode, C - Music
- Depalma, D - Art
- DeVantier, B - Math
- Dobrasz, S - Science
- Donald, R - Social Studies
- Dowsey, B - Social Studies
- DuBois, C - Team H Grade 9
- Duffy, M -Special Education
- Duncan, J - English
- Eagan, J - ELA
- Eagan, J -Physical Education
- Ebert, K - Math
- Englander, S - English
- Esposito, M - Social Studies
- Fassari, S - English
- Forgette, J - English
- Fortin-Nossavage, A - Social Studies
- Gabriele, P - Math
- Gall, N - School Counselor
- Gerspach, D. - Math
- Granto-Sheehan, N - Life Skills
- Gruarin, K - Health
- Haney, S - U.S. History
- Homiszczak, M - Math
- Honadle, E - Math
- Hosie, S - Science & Math
- Jensen, K - English
- Johnston, K - Science
- Jones, C - Chief Educational Administrator
- Jordon, K - Social Worker
- Karski, D - Math
- Krogh, L - Math
- Krysa, C - School Counselor
- Kutis, S - English
- Lasut-Campbell, N - Art
- Leo, M - Physical Education
- Lia, V - Social Studies
- Lodovico / Martin - Pride
- Lodovico, C - English
- Loiacano, T - 2nd Language
- London, S - Social Studies
- Lucantoni, G - English
- Luzak, J - Grade 11
- Lynch, R - Art
- Mankowski, J - World Languages
- Mariano, G - English
- Marra, J - Physical Education
- Martin, H - Special Education Gr 9
- Martin, K - Life Skills
- Matsulavage, D - Math
- Mauro, M - English
- Maynard, E - TSA Science
- Maynard, K - Science
- Merino, R -
- Merino, R. - Social Studies
- Militello-Faso, V - Science
- Moore, C - Science
- Morgan, D - Math
- Morgan, O - Math
- Nossavage, K - Science
- O'Donnell, B - Social Studies
- Olander, E - Social Studies
- Parkes, C - Science
- Pascuzzi, C - Special Education
- Pellish, V - English
- Perez, A - World Languages
- Pero, J - AIS / Resource
- Petrishin, J - Social Studies
- Petrozzi-Burgess, A - Speech
- Rajczak, M - Science
- Rodgers, W - Math
- Sanders, D - Social Studies
- Sarkees, J - Physical Education
- Scherer, A - Business
- Schove, C - English
- Schucker, V - Music
- Schwenkbeck, E - Social Studies
- Slaiman, C - Life Skills 11 & 12
- Slaiman, R - Dean of Students
- Smeal, N - Earth Science
- Smith-Gottlieb, M - Math & Social Studies
- Stockings, A - Math
- Sweitzer, T - Social Studies
- Swiatek, C - Art
- Tiberi, J - English as a Second Language
- Touchette, R - Math
- Venditti, J - English
- Ventry, E - Administrator
- Vilardo, C - Chief Educational Administrator
- Vilardo, Cathy - Grade 9
- Vilardo, M - Science
- Vranic, J - Health
- Wagner, J - World Languages
- Wagner, K - TSA Math
- Walsh, C - Art
- White, M - Math
- Wilson, D - Art
- Wolf, A - English
- Yots, R - Science
- Hutchinson, B. - Pupil Services
- DeMarco, C - Speech
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