• Welcome to Our Earth Science Homepage

    Mr. S. Dobrasz

    Earth Science

    Contact E-mail: SDobrasz@nfschools.net

    Photo of Niagara Falls High School


    2020/2021 Supply List for Earth Science Mr. Dobrasz

    1. Three ring binder, medium size,with pockets for assignments

    2. Simple calculator to keep in binder

    3. Ruler to keep in binder

    4.Some loose leaf paper for in binder/ 50 sheets

    5. 2 pens for binder

    6. 2 pencils for binder

    7. Colored pencils / small pack/ keep in binder



    Learning At Home : Make Sure You Are Clicking On The BLUE Assignments ! Make sure you do all your assignments ! Remember I Can Not Give You A Grade For No Work ! Many of you are doing very well. Keep up the good work.



    Friday Sept. 18th : Meteorology Vocabulary Parts 1+2:

      Meteorology Vocab Complete Definitions And Turn In Parts

    1 and 2 Together . You can enable document and the send in to my email above or Microsoft 365 by Friday Sept 25th.

    Friday Sept 25thMeteorology Lab I Complete the lab and send

    in by Friday October 2nd. 

    Friday Sept 25th:Meteorology Lab 2 Complete the lab and send in by 

    Friday October 2nd.

    Friday Oct. 2nd: Cycles and Seasons Lab  Complete the Lab and Send in by Friday Oct. 9th  Important: If your flashplayers do not work you can Google or Search Each Topic.  New Instructions Added to this lab and may help with other Labs.

    Monday Oct. 2nd:Focault Pendulum Assignment  Complete the assignment and send in by Friday Oct. 9th.  Make sure you do the reading and watch the short videos.  


     Tuesday October 6th: Take home and complete station model lab.

    Assignment should be complete and turned in by Thursday October 15th.

    Corona Virus Update Essay is Due by Tuesday October 13th.

    5 week Grades Close October 9th .   Get your work in.

    E-mail me with questions SDobrasz@nfschools.net or send me a message on teams 365. 





Last Modified on October 7, 2020