• Athletic Director 

    Mr. Joseph Contento

    Click HERE to email Mr. Contento

    Robin Kayser, Athletic Department Secretary

    Click HERE to email Mrs. Kayser
    Telephone:      (716) 286-0794

    Athletic Trainers 

    The Athletic Department has athletic trainers on staff to attend to any injuries associated with Niagara Falls High School team sports. 

    Should you or your student athlete have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the trainers. 

    Anthony (Tony) Surace

    Click HERE to email Mr. Surace

    Telephone: (716) 278-5800 ext. 41251

    Fax:  (716) 286-1268
    Room 251, Niagara Falls High School 
    Sara Minton
    Click HERE to email Ms. Minton

    Telephone: (716) 278-5800 ext. 41251

    Fax:  (716) 286-1268
    Room 251, Niagara Falls High School 





    Health History Form Information:

    Complete the Health History Form with your parent or guardian in pen and bring it to your school clinic. 

    The school district nurse practitioner can NOT do a physical for you without the parent-signed health history, it gives permission to the NP to complete the exam.

    • Ongoing medical medications such as asthma, allergies, diabetes, and seizures must have updated orders to self-carry medications for the 2024-25 school year. 
    • If your child needs any forms to be updated, you can:
        • Click on District sports forms to the right and print the form that you need 

    Things you MUST bring to your appointment

    You MUST have your Health History filled out and signed by your parent/guardian   

    *Girl's please wear tank or loose-fitting tee shirt​

    *Boys and girls in 7th and 8th grade: talk to your parents to understand the tanner test

    Please understand that for the physical exam to be of true value, some clothing will need to be removed. Modesty will at all times be maintained in a professional manner and expected by students as well.   


    Sports Health Interval Form


    To avoid disqualification

    • You must pass your vision exam at least 20/30 * Bring your glasses if you need them for your vision test  
    • You must have an updated self-carry medication order signed by your HCP and parent for any medication you take
    • You must have your medication in its original container if your HCP has ordered medications for you.
    • You must have a clearance note from your HCP or specialist for any injuries or illness you sustained in the last school year, which you did not already get clearance from the HCP treating your injury or illness 

    Thank you for your understanding of the above directions. 


    Philip Sauvageau, M.D.

    Medical Director