Technology Resources for Teachers



    As the District works to make our web presence compliant with the American Disabilities Act, residents who cannot access desired information on our site should feel welcome to contact Judie Glaser at 286-4245 or by email at jglaser@nfschools.net. We will work to get you the information you require in an acceptable format.



    Technology in Education Mentor Project 

    Roger Carroll (rcarroll@nfschools.net)

    Gene Kulbago (gkulbago@nfschools.net)

    Marie Bieksza (mbieksa@nfschools.net)

    Shirley Teeter

    The Technology Mentors (TEMPs) are retired Niagara Falls teachers whose basic task is to help teachers integrate technology into curriculum and instruction. As mentors, TEMPs are involved in a number of school district technology initiatives.


    TEMPS assist teachers in engaging in all aspects of Office 365 and its associated apps.

    TEMPS assist teachers and schools creating and maintaining webpages.

    TEMPs provide Webinars and in-person training supporting technology in the classroom.

    TEMPs provide technology Study Groups and Cybercafes for the Niagara Falls Teacher Resource Center.

    TEMPs assist teachers in discovering and sharing technology resources that prove valuable in the classroom.


    On the pages to the left, you will find a large number of resources you might wish to use in your classrooms. Please take some time to browse through those that interest you.

    If you have resources you would like to share with your fellow teachers, please click here to contact Gene: gkulbago@nfschools.net  or click here to contact Roger: rcarroll@nfschools.net and we'd be glad to post your resources on these pages.

    The TEMPs can be contacted through the District e-mail.