•  Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship

    The Internet is a wonderful resource for children as well as adults. They can get information, communicate, play games and so much more. However, the Internet is a place where potential dangers lie for those who are not aware of those dangers.  Our children are using the Internet more and more. As they do, they are exposed to these potential dangers. How can we all protect our children from these dangers? Knowledge and awareness are the two keys to safety on the Internet.
    In addition to keeping our children safe on the Internet, we need to help them become effective digital citizens. What is a digital citizen?
     A digital citizen can be described as a person who uses  appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use.
    A digital citizen is a safe Internet user.
    Then it is the task of teachers, parents and guardians of our students to assist them in becoming safe digital citizens who can use all the technology available to them effectively.
    The following pages contain materials which will help with that task.

    The NFCSD has a program which actively protects student safety on the Internet in several ways:

    First, the District needs the parents signed permission before it can use images of student's work on the Website. You may download this form by CLICKING HERE or by clicking the "May We Use Your Child's Photo" under Headlines on your school's Home Page.

    Next, the NFCSD, has created a policy concerning computer/technology use in its schools. In this way, parents/guardians become partners in the process of helping to keep our students safe online. You may read or download the policy and various agreement forms in pdf format by clicking on the appropriate title below.

    Niagara Falls City School District
    Student Computer Use Policy 

     Internet Safety Resources
    (While these resources divided into Teacher, Parent and Student resources, you will find useful material in all of them.
    We invite you to check them all out.)