Is Your Child Frequently Absent From School?
Special Program Targets Students at Abate Elementary, Gaskill Prep, LaSalle Prep, NFHS
In its ongoing efforts to provide Learning For All …Whatever It Takes, the District has created a Truancy Prevention Officer position to assist students who have traditionally struggled with
attendance. Mr. Ron Cunningham will head up the Be Cool Be In School program and will follow up with students who show a high rate of absenteeism. The position is funded through a three-year grant from the New York State Department of Juvenile Justice and helps students at Abate Elementary, Gaskill Prep School, LaSalle Prep School, and Niagara Falls High School.
Daily attendance at school is not only required by law, it is the single greatest predictor of successful completion of a Kindergarten to grade 12 education. Without a high school diploma, a student faces a grim future.
Mr. Cunningham will be available to assist families who may have issues that complicate regular school attendance. His job is to help. He will also be coordinating with local community agencies that may be able to help. It is our goal to be of service and help students and families.
Mr. Cunningham can be reached at 278-5814 or at Feel free to contact him with any questions you may have.
If you have attendance concerns and your child attends another District school, contact Focus on Families at 286-0745. They will be happy to help you.