• Sago

    Welcome to the Niagara Falls City School District Native American Indian Education Program.


    Cultural Specialist: Linda Capton Pre-k to 2nd Grade

    Cultural Teacher:    Angela Wagner 3rd to 6th Grade

     Native American child

     Indian Education Program
    4455 Porter Road
    Niagara Falls NY 14305


     Cultural Specialist: Linda Capton Pre-k to 2nd Grade

    Students in Pre-K to 2nd grade are introduced to the Cayuga language starting with numbers, colors everyday base words. Culturally related storytelling that include tribes, clans and Native foods.

    Cultural Teacher:  Angela Wagner 3rd to 6th Grade

    Students in grade 3rd to 6th are working on their culturally related items that will assist them in meeting the New York Standards in American History and in related areas.


    Students in 7th to 12th grade will be receiving advocacy, liaison services between schools, students and parents.

    Referral services to outside community service agencies for assistance that this program is unable to offer.



    Meet the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of American Indians so that these students can achieve on the same challenging state performance standards as all students.

    Students demonstrate knowledge of language and culture to improve academic achievement.