• District Clerk Judith Glaser

    Your District Clerk coordinates all phases of the annual budget vote and election of members to the Board of Education; assists candidates by making them aware of the process and legal requirements in running for office and maintaining proof of compliance with requirements; creates and maintains the custody and control of all minutes, records, and files resulting from formally conducted meetings, hearings and conferences of the members of the Board of Education. Generally speaking, the Clerk's Office is open 8 a.m. to 4 pm. Monday through Friday all year, holidays excepted.

    Here is some information that may be helpful to taxpayers and/or staff members.


    Click the link below and navigate to the meeting of your choosing. Simple vote information is generally posted within 24 hours of a meeting. Full minutes are generally available within a few days. In general, the Clerk does not e-mail minutes directly to individuals, because the information is readily available simultaneously to all by following the link below.

    Where to view Board meeting minutes. 

    FOR STAFF MEMBERS: Unsure how to begin when you need to create a Long Term or Short Term Contract?

    Visit this page and scroll down to Contract or Short Term Contract.


    The District utilizes inspectors trained and approved by the Board of Elections. If your training is not current with the Board of Elections, you will not be asked to work District elections.

    E-mail your District Clerk.