City School District of the City of Niagara Falls

Learning For All...Whatever It Takes

  • Spt. Mark Laurrie


    From Niagara Falls City School District Superintendent Mark Laurrie - February 2025

    As we cross the mid-year point of the school calendar, we anticipate some major events, significant accomplishments, and required benchmarks that the Niagara Falls City School District (NFCSD) must meet.

    On Tuesday, May 20, 2025, voters are encouraged to go to their polling places to elect two board members and to decide on the 2025–2026 school district budget. For my ninth consecutive budget as Superintendent, I do not plan to recommend any increase to the local text levy. Additionally, we are not planning any reduction to the 1,507 members of the workforce or any elimination of programs that our students so richly deserve. I hope to continue increasing our early education initiatives, especially in language arts, and to enhance our highly successful career pathways and high school programs that align perfectly with the newly proposed graduation requirements. Additionally, we want to enhance and extend our eight high school alternative learning opportunities. You will notice student poll workers as you go to the polls in May. These are Niagara Falls High School students preparing to work as poll workers and increase their civic engagement during the elections. We are proud to maintain our six-year graduation cohort at 86% but acknowledge that we need to improve that annually. We will also be graduating our first PTech cohort of 17 industrial manufacturing students with over 30 college credits mastered. All of this will be predicated on a responsible, well-thought-out school budget.

    We are on track to conclude our recent $29.3 million safety-based capital project in August. We are also planning to celebrate the district’s first greenhouse at Bloneva Bond Primary and to have a fully air-conditioned district for all students. We have been commended for having the most detailed and intense security measures in any school district.

    We do have much work to do. This includes building a positive cell phone bell-to-bell policy ban, preparing to utilize artificial intelligence as a tool for students in the most responsible manner, and rolling out 2,000 new Apple computers for our pre-K to grade two students. We continuously provide professional development as we refine and strengthen our pedagogy on the attention that New York State requires for the Science of Reading. Our teachers, administrators, and curriculum leaders have us well positioned to exceed the State requirements of phonics-based instruction in grades kindergarten through grade 3.

    In the coming months, the NFCSD will also feature a community celebration to recognize Dr. Martin Luther King, award the Board of Education Golden Apples, celebrate four more distinguished Niagara Falls alumni, and ultimately bestow 450 diplomas on deserving graduates.

    We are halfway through another school year, which continues to be safe, focused, and smooth. There is a great deal to look forward to, but much work is ahead of us.


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