Getting Started:
We want to make sure you are ready to integrate Reading A-Z and RAZ Kids into your remote and in-person teaching and have resources to help you get started. There is lots new in RAZ Plus (Reading A-Z and RAZ Kids used www.raz-kids.com with your user name and password. If you do not know your User Name contact your License Coordinator or email me.
One Getting Started Webinar you can watch now
Two Getting Started upcoming Webinars
That is enough for now, but there’s more…
For the parent/student view: Creating a Home-School Partnership: A Parents’ Guide to Raz-Kids 21min video
Getting Started 90 minute deeper dive into RAZ Kids:
If you have any questions, please contact me, Gene Kulbago at gkulbago@nfschools.netIf you want more information regarding how to use Raz-Kids to the best advantage, check out their Teacher Corner. You will find information about leveling, Professional Development, Student Development, and Instructional Tools there.There is a good parent letter under Student Development that you can use to explain the program to your parents.