Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Office 365 combines the familiar desk-top programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and others with cloud based (on line) versions of the same programs. Along with OneDrive, the "on line hard drive," you can access your documents and work on them virtually anywhere with your PC, or smart device such as a phone or tablet. You can also share your documents with others and collaborate on documents as well.On this page we will be posting information and resources to help you learn and
use the various parts of Office 365. Please come back regularly for updates.If you find any resources you would like to share, please send them to Roger or Gene.Logging in to Office 365
To get started - navigate to: https://login.microsoftonline.com
Username - windowsusername@nfschools.net
Password is your windows password(not your email password unless they are the same)(Username could be the same as email but not necessarily. Some people have a middle initial in their email but not in their username and vice versa.)If you wish to download and install office 365 on your home device, please open the attached document for instructions.****Here are some sites and resources that can help you with Office 365For help and training on Microsoft 365 app click on the picture⇒
OneNote in Education
CLICK HERE - For overviews of OneNote in education.
Mike Tholfsen; channel on YouTube has literally hundreds of great videos dealing with Office 365. Subscribe to the channel and get emails on his latest videos Click on the picture to go to his YouTube Channel ⇒Getting Started with Microsoft Teams - YouTube Channel
click here ⇒Microsoft Teams
OneNote in Education CLICK HERE - For overviews of OneNote in education.
Mike Tholfsen; channel on YouTube has literally hundreds of great videos dealing with Office 365. Subscribe to the channel and get emails on his latest videos
Click on the picture to go to his YouTube Channel ⇒