• Classroom / Teacher Wepages

    Teacher websites have taken on a different role with the coming of Office 365 and TEAMS. We no longer use teacher / classroom webpages to instruct students, they are now used to inform parents and students about what is happening in the classroom. There are some basic questions that need to be addressed before you start your website:

    1. What information should I put on my website for parents and students?
    2. What style should I use to make it look professional?
    3. How do I put it there? 
    4. How do I make sure that it is ADA (American Disabilities Act) compatible?

    The answer to the first two questions, "What information do I put on my website?" and "What style should I use to make it look professional?" can be answered in the following document and information.

    Download the NFCSD Teacher Website Guideline

    Information below is from Designing a website for your class. on the teAchnology website.

    What Information Should a Teacher Classroom Webpage contain?

    1. Contact Information- This can include ways that students or parents can contact you.
    2. Biography- Tell about your academic and professional background. You can also include interests, accomplishments, etc. 
    3. Class Calendar - Daily/ weekly schedule for specials, lunch, etc. Monthly showing holidays, etc.
    4. Materials- Anything important that you hand out in class can be posted on-line.**   This is generally posted in TEAMS.
    5. Announcements/Events- This is an efficient method of communicating anything that needs to be publicized.
    6. Class Rules and Guidelines- In this section, you can explain what materials your students need for your class and any other consistent information that students > need to be successful in your class.
    7. Classroom newsletter 
    8. Information for Parents- This is information you want parents to know that can help you to achieve educational goals. It is a great way to get parents actively involved in a partnership role.
    9. Curriculum information for parentsDescription of what students will be learning, goals, objectives, procedures that will be used in teaching and learning, timelines, etc.
    10. Relevant links for students to learn more about content and make learning fun.

    Note: Not all of the above are necessary for your class webpage. TIP - keep it simple to update information.

    As a quick reminder of how to log on to your webpage, do the following:
    Navigate to your school's Teacher Webpages.
    Go to the bottom of the page and click on "Sign In".
    Fill in your username and password.
    If you are successful, you will see an "Edit Page" at the top right.
    Click on the "Edit Page" and you will be taken to the webpage editor.
    If you have forgotten your password, use the "forgot password" and a link can be sent to your school mail allowing you to reset it.

     The Video below will show you how to log in to your webpage.