Welcome to Our Class Web Page!
Art with Ms. Campbell
Email: NCampbell@NFSchools.net
Hi Everyone!
I hope that everyone is doing ok during this time. Art is tough to teach online...It's a very hands-on subject. I know this won't be like what we were doing in class. Nothing can replace that...I also understand that I am not there to help you and give you guidance. I know that BUT I expect that you try to the best of your ability!!
I will be posting all of your assignments on your class section of GOOGLE CLASSROOM and MICROSOFT TEAMS
I am giving assignments based of the expectation that will be working for 20-30 solid minutes per day.
I just wanting you thinking creatively! Do your best and have fun with this! We will try to make the most of this. Have fun and enjoy creating! Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything! Most importantly, be safe and make good decisions! ~ Ms. Campbell
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Send a text to the number: 81010
Studio in Art-Period 12- @633kb8
Advanced Studio in Art- @art2nf
Instagram: campbellnfhs_art
Join Google Classroom!!!!!
All of your assignments will be posted on there!
Advanced Studio in Art:
Period 2 - ppxsojh
Period 6/7 - ay4cidq
Period 8/9 - ylgo3jn
Studio in Art Period 12- p75omlk
Life Skills Art- q44qh2v
GRADING -Grading codes for art:
o “F" (0%) FAILING- for work that is not turned in.o “P” ( 85% PASSING) for work that is passing and would normally receive a score of 65-92.
o “M” (100% MASTERY) for work that would normally receive an 93 or above. You exceeded the expectations.
Photographing Your Artwork
- Use you phone
- Get your phone right over top of your artwork so the camera is straight on...No angles.