Check out these awesome Artwork Reenactments
Awesome Job Bailey, Demetria, Lexi, Michaela, Anshika & Brianna!
Welcome to my Teacher Web Page
Studio Art with Miss Swiatek
Email - Cswiatek@nfschools.net
Hello Students and Parents. I hope you are well, safe and in good health.
You can contact me through my school district email, or message me through the Remind App.
STUDENTS - For those of you that asked about artwork, there are tables set up in the main gym. These tables are labeled by letters. Using the first initial of your LAST NAME, you'll find your artwork. All other projects will be left in my classroom and can be picked up next school year.
Our school email struggles to upload and send large files and pictures. If you are turning in work, feel free to send the image through the Remind App, or even Office 365.
Sign up for the Remind App!
Studio in Art - @cswia
Instagram: swiateks_artroom
I am going to continue grading your assignments like I normally would, on a scale of 1 - 100. Your final grades will reflect the following grade codes established by the Superintendent.
The Superintendent has established the following grading codes:
o “I” (incomplete) for work that isn't acceptable and/or would normally receive below 65.o “P” (passing) for work that is passing and would normally receive a score of 65-84.
o “M” (mastery) for work that would normally receive an 85 or above.
Email! For most assignments, you will send me an email that contains a picture of your work including any reflection to go along with it. Because I do not know everyone's email it is VERY IMPORTANT that you include the following heading at the top of the page:
First name, Last Name
Art period
Assignment Name