Welcome to Mr. O. Morgan's Algebra 1 Webpage
Contact information: omorgan@nfschools.net
Remind: text @alg438 to 81010
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Dear NFHS Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
I hope you and your family are doing well during this unprecedented time in our history. Beginning Monday, April 13, 2020, instruction at Niagara Falls High School will begin on-line. Our goal is to use digital resources and strongly encourage online learning, so that we can continue practicing social distancing. Students may complete their work on any type of electronic device, including a cell phone.
What should students and parent(s)/guardian(s) do?
- Visit www.nfschools.net frequently and click on the “COVID-19 Crisis” tab for daily updates from the Superintendent.
- Join Mr. Morgan's Remind (text @alg438 to 81010) messaging group to stay up to date.
- Visit Mr. Morgan’s website to get your daily assignments.
- Completed work should be done digitally online, since we are still to remain indoors as much as possible and to limit our contact with others. Examples of ways students can complete and submit work include, but are not limited to: Office 365 documents, Google Drive, email, taking a photo of completed work and sending via Remind or any other platform. Please support your child by encouraging them to remain committed to their studies. The work that will be issued by teachers beginning April 13, 2020 will be counted towards the students’ 40-week marking period grades. Students will also be provided an opportunity to make-up incomplete work from the 30-week marking period. If frustration happens, please remind students to email their teacher(s) for assistance. Working together and reaching out for help when needed will ensure success. Thank you for your support of the Niagara Falls City School District and Niagara Falls High School.
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. " - Nelson Mandela
- Visit www.nfschools.net frequently and click on the “COVID-19 Crisis” tab for daily updates from the Superintendent.
Last Modified on April 12, 2020