
English 11/12

  • Please sign up for Commonlit.org You will be completing the majority of your assignments on Commonlit.org. For all other assignments, Please take a photo of your work and email it to me at fcowart@nfschools.net.  

    At CommonLit.org, you will read articles and other reading passages that has assigned you, answer reading comprehension questions, complete written responses, and receive feedback.

    Follow the directions below to sign up for your account

    Create Your Account: 1. Open an internet browser. In the URL field, type in www.commonlit.org/enroll

    2. Enter your classcode is  KLW4WY 

Week One 4/13-4/17 Assignments

Week Two 4/20-4/24 Assignments

Week Six 5/17-5/22

Week 7 and 8

Last Modified on June 1, 2020