Please complete each assignment in order. Directions for each assignment is listed in the description box. Please email me your answers when completed.
Week One 4/13-4/17: Mendelian Genetics
Monday- Mendelian Genetics Video
Please click on the link and watch the video. After you have watched the video, please write a paragraph explaining Gregor Mendel and his laws of segregation and independent assortment.
Tuesday-MG Nearpod
Please go to Nearpod.com
Use the code: HXEUG to review
Tuesday- Mendelian Genetics Powerpoint
Please read through the powerpoint before answering the Mendelian Genetics Review questions on a separate sheet of paper.
Wednesday- Mendelian Genetics Review Questions
Please answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper after you have studied the Mendelian Genetics Powerpoint.
Thursday-Mendelian Genetics Review Questions
Please answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper after you have studied the Mendelian Genetics Powerpoint.
Friday-Mendelian Genetics Review Questions
Please answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper after you have studied the Mendelian Genetics Powerpoint.
Week Two- Ecology
Monday- Ecology Article-1
Read the article and then answer the four comprehension questions at the end. Then summarize the article. Click here to submit your answers
Tuesday-Guided Reading Questions
Directions: Use the ECOLOGY READING to answer the questions. Click here to submit your answers
Wednesday-Guided Reading Questions
Directions: Use the ECOLOGY READING to answer the questions. Click here to submit your answers.
Thursday-Analyzing Ecosystem Worksheet
Analyzing Ecosystem Website
Directions: Use the website to answer the questions. Click here to submit your answers.
Week Three 4/27-5/1
Week Four 5/4-5/8
Week Five 5/11-5/15
Week Six 5/18-22
Ecology and Human Impact Review
For this week you will be reviewing. Please read the review notes and answer the comprehension questions. Submit your answers here
Week Seven 5/26-5/29
Week Eight 6/1-6/5
Hi all! Please go to CommonLit.org and complete your assignments. Finish any old assignments.