• Welcome to Studio in Art

    Ms. DePalma

    Contact me at: ddepalma@nfschools.net

    Remind App. Code: @ddepalm

    surrealism artwork pages turning into birds


    Art at Home

    Welcome everyone to your first on-line Art Classroom! I know this may seem a bit overwhelming for all of you, just know every single one of your teachers are here to help and guide you along the way. If you are ever feeling stuck or have a question, the quickest response is through the Remind app. I will be posting daily through Remind, so please remember to check it often. 

    Just a few updates:

    Starting 4/13/2020 Assignments will be graded.  As for myself, I will grade you as I would have before when you completed the assignment. However, your final quarter grade will be based upon the following:

    I-Missing or incomplete  P-Passing  M-Mastery      

    Plese submit work for now through my e-mail. 


    Class Assignments

    Assignment 1: Art in Nature

    Start date: 4/13/2020 Due Date: 4/24/2020

    Painting of flowers in nature flower drawing with color sketch of a tree with no leaves Walter Mason cut leaves

    I have extended the time period a bit because I am unsure of the materials you may have at home, I also understand that all of this new technology might seem a bit overwhelming when you have multiple classes to prepare for.  I am also asking you to keep a record of your progress through pictures.  Keeping a record of your progress will help yourselves develop your skills, as well as help me to help you along the way the same as I would in class.  You may send me progress images through e-mail or remind if needed. Just know, when you submit your final Image, I must see a timeline of your work!  This goes for every assignment you will be submitting. One way of keeping all of your photos together might be through a PowerPoint Presentation if you have the resources to do so.  If not, simply uploading images from your phone to my email will work also. 


    For this assignment titled Art in Nature, I want you to step outside! (That does not mean go outside and meet up with friends and family-we are still socially distancing, so stay smart). I want you to go for a walk, sit on your front porch, go into your own backyard and really take note of the environment. I want you to sit and really feel the sun on your face, feel the breeze, listen to the sounds around you and really look at the nature that surrounds you.  

    As I mentioned before, not everyone has the same materials at home, so for this project I am leaving the medium up to you! We have covered drawing, painting and working 3-dimensionally.  Practice your skills and be creative!

    You may work in Plein air or take a photo and go back inside to work if weather is not cooperating. 

    What is plein air technique?
    En plein air is a French expression that means “in the open air.” It is used by artists to describe the art of outdoor painting, capturing landscapes and views in natural light.
    Medium Examples                                                     
    • Pencils
    • Water color paintings
    • Markers
    • Pen/Ink
    • Collage or Mixed Media Collage
    • Paint
    • Non-Traditional Items-Anything goes!

     Examples of What to create

    • Drawing of the scenery/landscape (remember foreground/mid-ground/background) 
    • Still life of a single image such as a branch or flower (As much detail as you can see)
    • Picture taken of a bird and then recreated with a medium of your choice
    • Painting of a garden/tree
    • A 3-D work created with found natural objects.
    • You may also choose to draw/work on paper, cardboard, canvas.. Every decision is yours to make. 

    The Possibilites are endless! Take the time and enjoy the relaxation of nature, not being immersed into a screen. Take this time to reflect on your thoughts and ideas and BREATH. I am here if you are stuck on choosing a medium or ideas, just text me through Remind. 

    Please take your time with your assignments! Do not rush and do not try and work from memory-We all know how that ends up!

    I am attaching a PowerPoint Presentation below for inspiration, which includes a few artists names. You all have technology at your fingertips, use it to look up other artists that work in the medium of your choice. 

    Nature inspired artworks

     Assignment 2: Hands say a lot

    Sketch & practice Week 1:    Start: April 29th   Due: May 4th

    Original Art piece Week 2:    Start:  May 4th     Due: May 13th

     hands 1 hands raised hands 2

    During this time in history, every one of you have heard the words repeatedly, "Wash your hands", "Don't touch anything", "Don't touch anyone outside of your home" & "no physical contact". It has driven us to be extremely conscious of our hands!                                                                                                                                                  Our hands are something that we often have taken for granted yet, for the majority of people; everything we do in life has to deal with our hands. As an artist in training-each one of you should be thinking what our hands mean to us in life. Do they keep you safe? Do they create? Do they show love? Do they show strength and determination? How can you show hands that symbolize who you are?

    The human hand has been the subject of many famous artistic works across the ages. This interest in the hand form dates as far back as the early pre- historic ages. Findings of art depicting hands has been documented and preserved in multiple locations in South America, Asia, and Europe. These are typically a form of cave art, made by placing a hand on the wall of the cave, and blowing pigment at it, forming an image of the hand surrounded by the pigment.

    .cave art

    Later in life the Renaissance art revolution changed everything, with artists like Leonardo da Vinci studying the human body from both an artistic and scientific point of view.

    Davinci hands       da vinci 2       da vinci 3

    This period gave us the most reproduced pair of hands in the West.                                                                                                      Michelangelo, The Creation of Adam — detail, c.1512, Sistine Chapel, Vatican City

    the creation by michaelangelo

    Then in the 20th century, Western art questions itself, its history, its nature, and the hand is inevitably part of that reflection:                        M.C. Escher, Drawing Hands, 1948

    Escher drawing

    Giorgio de Chirico, Metaphysical Interior with Hand of David, 1968, Fondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico, Rome

    hand of david painting

    Part 1 of your assignment, please click on the PowerPoint presentation of sketches and tutorials on how to draw hands. Week 1 your assignment is to sketch and practice drawing as many hands as you possibly can. Then, submit your final 6 sketches by either gridding them out on a sheet a paper (Turn your paper in landscape position and make 3 boxes on top and 3 on the bottom by drawing 1 line horizontally through the middle and two vertical lines).  OR You may use up the whole sheet and have them randomly on it (the way you will see on the PowerPoint presentation). 

    PDF_Hand Powerpoint

    Please click this link & follow the steps when practicing how to draw.

    Part 2 Week 2: Throughout our time in class, I instilled in you that every line carries an emotion. The same rule applies here with your artwork.  I want you to reflect on what you saw in the powerpoint of images and how each hand position evokes a personal emotion to you. Think about the symbolism that each hand gesture creates.Hands can signify strength, wisdom, power, stuggle, work, love etc. They are apart of us and so are reflective of everything we do in life.  

    I want you to create a piece of artwork using any medium of your choice that demonstrates your skills as an artist not only creating hands but also evoking emotion with them. This should be a personal piece of artwork, reflective of your life or possibly during this time in history. 

    You may use pen, pencil, chalk, paint, crayon or any other medium you desire on any surface you have available. Paper, card board and even the inside of a cereal box-anything goes! 

    You may find an image on-line that you may want to use as your subject (which has to be included when showing me your process), you may choose to have someone pose for you and take a picture or you may use a picture you already have as your inspiration. 

    You may also add to your story by including other objects or even making it a collage piece- as long as the hand(s) are the focal point. 

    When you submit your final product in week 2, please also give me a brief discription of it. Tell me what it means to you and what it symbolizes. 

    3 Rules:

    1. No drawing from memory: Look at your subject while creating it. 

    2. No sketches for final product. It has to be a whole compositional piece. (I am not looking for a small contour line drawing in the center of your paper. Use positive and negative space, you CAN add other elements into it, use your value scale in shading, & Think about an interesting placement). 

    3. You must show your timeline of work. Process of start to finish with at least 3 images. 

    As always, take care of yourselves and you may reach me through remind @ddepalm for a quick response.

    Assignment 3: Famous Artwork Recreation

    Due date: June 5th

    For this assignment you are to recreate a famous artwork of your choice, in any medium you want! I'm sure by now some of you have seen the artwork recreation challenges: You can use this assignment for your turn to partake!

    Rules: 1) Have fun-be creative!

              2) You need to show me your inspiration artwork with title/artist

              3) Include a short researched description about the artwork you have chosen. At least 2 paragraphs telling me about the artwork and artist who created it. 

    Mediums to use: Anything goes! paper, pencil, paint, markers, chalk, clothes, facepaint!!!

     Recreation Challenge photos for inspiration

    Frida challenge   painting recreation  green couch recreation

    Picasso recreation  art recreation  art recreation

    Famous artists to consider but not limited to:

    • Faith Ringgold
    • Salvador Dali
    • Kara Walker
    • Pablo Picasso
    • Frida Khalo
    • Jean-Michel Basquiat
    • Franciso Goya
    • Joan Miro
    • Damien Hirst
    • Takashi Murakami
    • Andy Warhol
    • Jackson Pollock
    • Roy Lichtenstein
    • Barbara Kruger
    • Yayoi Kusama
Last Modified on May 28, 2020