• Assignment due 4/17 

    Please join the Remind and the Office 365 Team if you have not yet done so. I will post the assignments here as well, but it is easier to turn in the work using Office 365. 

    The assignments will be posted Sunday nights and will be due that Friday, so you can complete the work when you have time. Please try and turn this work in on time. 

    The assignment for this week: 

    Using the Clothing and Descriptions PPT, complete the notes and worksheet that accompanies it. 

    Clothing and Descriptions PPT

    Clothing and Descriptions Worksheet

    Using the Money and Cost PPT, complete the notes and worksheet that accompanies it. 

    Money and Cost PPT

    Money and Cost Worksheet


    Assignment due Sunday, 4/26 

    Using the Imperfect PPT, compelte the following worksheets by Sunday, 4/26. 

    Imperfect PPT

    Imperfect Tense Worksheet 1

    Fill in the blank Imperfet tense

    More imperfect tense practice


    Assignment due Sunday, 5/10

    This week will be a make-up week for the previous assignments AND I want you to watch a show in Spanish (with English subtitles, if you want, or Spanish to challenge yourself) and write up a short paragraph in English (5-6 sentences) about what you liked/didn't like. If you don't have access to any of these streaming services, I've included some YouTube options. If you are having trouble with this assignment for any reason, please send me a message on Remind or an email.

    Here are some shows you can check out if you have access to Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney + and/or Hulu:
    Buena Gente (Amazon Prime Video)
    Violetta (Disney +)
    Nailed It! Spain or Mexico (Netflix)
    Rebelde (Netflix)
    East Los High (Hulu)
    Go! Vive a tu manera (Netflix)
    Soy Luna (Disney +)

    YouTube options:
    Destinos - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1bZix5GZZ4
    Extra - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dfb9-ZTCA-E


    Assignment due Wednesday, 5/20 

    Your work this week is to create a Google Slideshow/PowerPoint about your childhood using the imperfect tense. Attached are the directions. 

    Imperfect Project


    Assignment due Friday, 5/29

    Please complete the attached end of year reivew sheet. 

    Spanish 2 Review Sheet


     Assignment due Tuesday, 6/9 

    Complete the document titled "Spanish 2 Youtube Review" and submit via email, Google Classroom or Teams. 

    (I am having trouble uploading it here, but it is on Google Classroom and Teams) 

Last Modified on June 1, 2020