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    Helpful Distance Learning Tips 

       If this is your first experience with distance learning and you’re unsure of how to structure your days for success, as a parent, you’ll want to be active early on to make sure your student adopts good habits to succeed in online learning.  Here are some tips to share with your child to help ensure his or her success: 


    • Set up a space for learning.  Designate a place in your home, such as the kitchen table or a desk, where you will complete your schoolwork. 


    • Have a routine.  Keeping an established routine is an excellent way to keep your body and brain on a track for learning.  Keep your morning school day routine of getting up, getting ready for school, then get to your learning spot in your home and begin your day.


    • Stay focused.  When you are learning online, resist the temptation of going on social media, playing video games or going on Netflix.  Put your phone aside.  Stay focused on your studies and leave time for fun until the end of the day.


    • Stay active.  Don’t forget to move!  Staying active is an important part of taking care of yourself.  Go outside, take a walk, do an exercise video – just remember to keep a social distance of 6 feet from others.  Make sure to complete your PE assignments!


    • Stay in touch.  Call or text your friends.  It’s important to maintain friendships while we are away from one another.  Don’t be shy – reach out to your classmates and say hi!

    • Stay hopeful.  We will make it through this unusual time.  When we return to our regular schedule, we will be ready to celebrate and pat ourselves on the back for successfully completing a highly unique school year!



Last Modified on September 17, 2020