• ¡Bienvenidos a Español 1! 

    Please read the course descriptions below to understand your responsibilities as a Spanish student. 


    "strive for progress, not perfection"


  • All assignments will be posted by Sunday evening. If you have any questions please reach out sooner than later. 


  • F.O.R.E.I.G.N. L.A.N.G.U.A.G.E. Study Skills:

    F - Flashcards - make flashcards for all vocabulary and grammar concepts

    O - Organized Notes - organize your notes so that you spend time understanding the content. 

    R - Review Often - You should have a study schedule and adhere to it.

    E- English Helps - make connections between English and Spanish.

    I - Initiate Conversation - Try to speak Spanish as much as you can!

    G - Get involved - immerse yourself in the culture as much as you can. 

    N - Never give up - Learning a language is a journey! Enjoy the journey.

    L - Listen Carefully - When you listen you acquire more Spanish.

    A - Ask questions - Asking questions clarifies any confusion you may have.

    N - Nightly 15 - Aim to study for 15 minutes every night.

    G - Give 100% effort - the more you put in, the more you get out.

    U - Use the buddy system - have a study buddy (friend or family)

    A - Answer in class - the more you participate the more confidence you gain.

    G - Get homework done on time - homework allows you to practice new concepts.

    E - Enjoy the experience - learning a new language is a fun experience.   


Last Modified on April 9, 2020