Welcome to Mrs. Schove's Webpage
English Language Arts
Click here to E-mail Mrs. Schove
Just for fun: Library escape room
*Message me with any questions -
email (cschove@nfschools.net)
Please update parent contact information
To access a digital library
Looking for a good book?
Digital Books may be accessed through the library webpage:
- https://library.nfschools.net/common/servlet/presenthomeform.do?l2m=Home&tm=Home&l2m=Home
- There is a list of online books sites at the top off the page.
To accesss myPerspectives digital library, Go to school website www.nfschools.net
- Click the icon for parent portal, A+
- Enter your user name and password
- Scroll down to "Pearson text" on left and select
- click the green box on the bottom "myPerspectives Plus ELA Grades 6-12"
- "digital library"
- For FREE online books from the Junior Library Guild
- Go to jlg.ipublishcentral.com - Username: JLGHI - Password: JLGFREE
- or to listen to a great book through this Audible link - Audible books
- https://library.nfschools.net/common/servlet/presenthomeform.do?l2m=Home&tm=Home&l2m=Home
Last Modified on September 24, 2020