• Mathematician Work for the Week of April 20, 2020

    All Assignments are due Friday, April 24, 2020

    Math Sign

    Odd, Even and More!

    *Do not forget about the Enrichment Challenge at the bottom! It has a great read aloud attached!  

    Dr. Suess Quote: "You have to be ODD to be Number 1!"

     Girl with Numbers

    Click to begin each day of the week with

     The Even and Odd Song

    Day 1

    Click and watch this Investigations Video on Even and Odd Numbers

    Be sure to click pages at the bottom. There are 4 pages. 


    Odd and Even: Two Equal Groups (Assignments)

    Fact Fluency (5 Minutes)

    Independent Lessons (10 Minutes)


    Day 2

    Click and watch this Brainpop Junior Odd and Even Numbers  


    Odd and Even: Two Equal Addends (Assignments)

    Fact Fluency (5 Minutes) 

    Independent Lessons (10 Minutes)

    Day 3

    Click and watch this Investigations Video on Equal Groups


    Odd and Even: Identify Odd and Even Numbers (Assignments)

    Fact Fluency (5 Minutes) 

    Independent Lessons (10 Minutes)

    Day 4

    Click and watch this Brainpop Junior Making Equal Groups


    Odd and Even: Numbers In Groups (Assignments)

    Fact Fluency (5 Minutes) 

    Independent Lessons (10 Minutes)

    Day 5 

    Click and watch this Investigations Video on Time A.M. and P.M.


    Time: Determining A.M. and P.M. (Assignments)

    Fact Fluency (5 Minutes)

    Click below to use the Analog Clock to practice Telling Time with the time of activities you do in the A.M. and the time of the activities you do in the P.M.!

     Investigations Math Tool - Analog Clock


    Two Boys

    *Extra, Extra Practice

    Click here to play a game we learned in class... Investigation Games 

     Also, review both BrainPop Junior videos for this week and complete both the Easy and Hard Quizzes.

    You can also complete any other activities on there as well!

    *Enrichment for Odd and Even Numbers  

    Click to enjoy this read aloud about Even Steven and Odd Todd

    Kids Talk Math

    Find the Even and Odd Numbers in your world at home! Discuss what you find with an adult! 

    Mrs. Navarroli will report back to you with this Enrichment Challenge in her world!