Health Services
School Nurse – Michelle Gardner, RN
Clinic Phone – 278-7964
A registered nurse is assigned to Abate School full-time. When registering a new student, parents will fill out a Health Information Sheet and give it to the nurse. These records show the results of physical examinations and check of vision, hearing, etc. If a student has a special condition (allergies, chronic disorders such as diabetes,epilepsy, etc.), it should be recorded on the health form.
Medical Services Provided
1. First aid for accidents and illness occurring in school.
2. Physical examinations for students are conducted yearly and include vision, hearing and scoliosis screenings. (If a student receives a notification in the mail of a defect after having been examined, please ask the doctor or dentist to complete the lower portion of the form and return it to the Abate clinic.)
3. Cumulative health records are maintained for each student.
4. Dispensing medications upon the prescription and recommendation of your doctor.
5. Routine screening for lice infestation.
6. Discussion with parents regarding the treatment for lice.
Internal Medicine
If a student must take any medication during the day, the following should be observed:
1. A written notice from a parent/guardian must be submitted for medication to be taken in school
2. A written notice from your doctor must be submitted stating the name of the medication, dosage and time to be given. All medication must be in the pharmacy package. It will be kept in the clinic until given by the school nurse at the proper time.
If a student becomes ill or is injured in school, a parent/guardian will be notified and requested to come for the student or make other arrangements for transportation.
Notice should be given to the clinic in the event of contagious diseases (chicken pox, mumps, regular measles,German measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever, strep throat, etc.)
The school nurse makes the final decision on whether or not a student may return to class after lice infestation, even though a note from the doctor is provided.