Contact Ms. Melloni if you have any further questions after reading below!
Week #8
NFCSD Art Educators
Grade 2
Our Heroes
During this time of quarantine, we have experienced many different emotions. We have had to stay home so we can protect ourselves and loved ones. However, there have been some people (called essential workers), that have been reporting to their jobs every day. These people are doctors, nurses, police officers, fire department, grocery store clerks, etc. They have become our “new heroes”. They have risked their lives to help us get through this pandemic safely.
Supplies: crayons, markers, colored pencils, paint, paper, envelopes, stamps
*For our last art project, I would like you to draw a picture, make a card, or write a note to essential workers at an organization that has been very strong and tough in helping others. They have been there to help us through this difficult time and we can easily brighten their day by saying “Thank You”! I will provide addresses to places that have stayed open and you can choose which essential workers you would like to thank. You can do more than one if you like, or even include several pictures/cards to one organization. Let us end the year with a word of thanks!
Niagara Fall Memorial Medical Center
621 10th St, Niagara Falls, NY 14301
Mount St. Mary’s Hospital
5300 Military Rd, Lewiston, NY 14092
Niagara Falls Police Department
1925 Main Street, Niagara Falls, NY 14305
1577 Military Rd, Niagara Falls, NY 14304
Niagara Falls Fire Department
3115 Walnut Avenue, Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14301
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 69
Niagara Falls, NY 14302Week #7
NFCSD Art Educators
Grade 2
Dali Animals
Salvador Dali was born in Figueres, Spain on May 11, 1904. His father was a lawyer and very strict, but his mother was kinder and encouraged Salvador's love for art. Growing up he enjoyed drawing and playing football. He often got into trouble for daydreaming in school. Salvador began drawing and painting while he was still young. Salvador continued to experiment and study different kinds of art. He would concentrate much of his work on Surrealism and become one of the preeminent artists of the Surrealist movement. Surrealists believed that the subconscious mind, such as dreams and random thoughts, held the secret to truth. Surrealist paintings are often a mixture of strange objects (melting clocks, weird blobs) and perfectly normal looking objects that are out of place (A lobster on a telephone). Surrealistic paintings can be shocking, interesting, beautiful, or just plain weird.
Dali enjoyed painting elephants and his painting, ‘The Elephants’, is among the most popular of his works. The painting features regular sized elephants on extremely long, spindly legs, completely disproportionate to its size! Well, that’s Dali!
Supplies: paper, crayons, markers, colored pencils.
*I would like you to think of three different animals that you could add “Dali legs” too. You can draw cats, dogs, chickens, alligators, zebras, lions, etc.
*Draw all of your animals correct in nature EXCEPT for their long, skinny legs!
*Make sure you draw your animals in a setting. Give your picture a background. Maybe a park, the zoo, a dessert, or even another planet!
*When you are finished, share you Dali created animals with someone and explain to them why they look so silly!
Week #6
Grade 2
Blue and Rose Period Portraits
Picasso's Blue Period lasted for 4 years. It was a sad time in his life and he primarily used blue paint in his works. Many of the people in these paintings looked very somber/sad. After that sad time, Pablo fell in love and splashed many of his canvases with lovely colors such as pinks, reds, corals and purples. This became known as his Rose Period, which focused on many happy images.
Supplies: paper, crayons, markers, colored pencils
Above are a few blue and rose period paintings. You can see that the Blue Period paintings are all different shades of blue. In the Rose Period paintings, most of the colors are different shades of pink/rose.
*Like Picasso, we have gone through some sad and happy times in our lives. I would like you to choose to make either a blue portrait or a rose portrait.
*If you choose to create a blue period portrait, find all of the different colors of blue in your supplies. Use ALL of these different blues to create your drawing. If you choose blue, show yourself feeling sad. Remember, the blue period was a sad time for Picasso.
*If you choose to create a rose period portrait, find all of the different colors of rose/pink in your supplies. Use ALL of these different rose colors to create your drawing. If you choose rose, show yourself feeling happy. Remember, the rose period was a happy time for Picasso.
*If you would like, create one of each! It would be interesting to see the differences in the colors and your feelings! When you are done, share your portrait with someone and explain why you used the colors you picked.
Week #5
Note to Student/Guardian: We hope you will have fun creating our weekly art lessons. Feel free to contact your art teacher with any questions you may have about this lesson. When responding, please include: Student Name, Grade, Classroom Teacher, Lesson Name. We would be happy to hear from you!
Mr. Jocoy: ajocoy@nfschools.net Mrs. Melloni: amelloni@nfschools.net Mr. Johnson: majohnson@nfschools.net Ms. Ryan: tryan@nfschools.net
Mrs. Brooks: cbrooks@nfschools.net
NFCSD Art Educators
Grade 2
My Favorite Color: Family Portrait
Supplies: crayons, colored pencils, markers, paper
*A portrait is a drawing, painting or photograph of a person. I want you to look around your home for portraits of your family. Photographs of the people you love. Look at the photos, who is in it? Where was the photo taken? What else is in the photograph?
*Artists painted, drew or photographed their families for centuries. I would like you to draw a picture of your family. Please include your family members and pets, if you have them. When you draw your family portrait, add a setting. Are you in front of your home, in your living room, at a park? Make sure you have details. Draw your clothes just how they “look”, with patterns, etc. If someone wears glasses or jewelry, put them in your drawing.
*When you are finished, share your family portrait with your loved ones!
Week #4
Note to Student/Guardian: We hope you will have fun creating our weekly art lessons. Feel free to contact your art teacher with any questions you may have about this lesson. When responding, please include : Student Name, Grade, Classroom Teacher, Lesson Name. We would be happy to hear from you!
Mr. Jocoy Mrs. Melloni Mr. Johnson
ajocoy@nfschools.net amelloni@nfschools.net majohnson@nfschools.net
Ms. Ryan Mrs. Brooks
tryan@nfschools.net cbrooks@nfschools.net
NFCSD Art Educators
Grade 2
My Favorite Color: Scavenger Hunt
Supplies: magazines, newspapers, found objects, scissors, glue or glue stick, crayons, markers, paper or tag board or cardboard.
*What is your favorite color? I want you to go on a scavenger hunt! Look all around your home (inside and out, with permission) I would like you to collect as many items as you find that represents your favorite color. You might find, buttons, feathers, scraps of paper, stickers, wrappers, etc. You can use old magazines to look for pictures or items that match your color and cut them out. You can gather crayons and markers of the same color to add to drawing to your collage as well.
*Now that you have all of your items and collage materials gathered, begin to arrange them on your paper (or cardboard) how you would like them to look. Once you have them arranged, use glue or a glue stick to adhere your items to your paper. Once you have all of your items glued down, you can use that same color marker, crayon, colored pencil to add details to your collage!
*When you are finished and if you would like to CHALLENGE yourself, try to create a collage of many colors grouped together! This will give a rainbow effect! (You can see a photo example above).
*Please, share your collage creation with your family, friends or me! CREATE and have FUN!
Week #3
NFCSD Art Educators
Grade 2
Art Detective: Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat
Supplies: pencils, crayons, colored pencils, and/or pen, (paint and paintbrushes if you have them) and paper (any size).
Today we are going to do an activity to help sharpen and develop your critical thinking skills, when looking at a piece of artwork. It is time to play Art Detective!
NFCSD Art Educators
Part one: Study the painting and simply write a few words for each question on a sheet of paper.
*What do you see?
*What do you think is happening in this piece of art?
*What materials do you think the artist used in the piece of art?
*Does this piece of art remind you of anything?
*What kind of questions do you have about this piece of art?
*Pretend you can go inside this piece of art. What sounds do you hear? What do you smell?
*What part of the piece of art is your favorite? Why?
*If you could change anything in this piece of art, what would you change?
*How does this piece of art make you feel? Why?
*If you had to describe this piece of art to a friend, what kinds of words would you use?
Part two: On the back of your paper, draw, sketch, paint your own version of the painting Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat. Recreate this painting and include your own family, pets, etc. It can be at your favorite park, include what you see at your park and be CREATIVE!
NFCSD Art Educators
Week #2
Grade 2
My Dream House
Supplies: pencils, crayons, colored pencils, and/or pen, ruler (for straight lines) and paper.
*Since we are staying home and spending a lot of time in doors with our loved ones, practicing social distancing….what if it could be in your dream house?!
*What are some activities you like to do? Maybe you like to watch movies, play basketball, cook, swim, etc? What does your family like to do?
*Design your dream house with your whole family in mind. You might include a home theater with a concession stand to watch movies, a bowling alley to challenge each other in a few games or maybe an indoor swimming pool!! The sky is the limit!
*Don’t forget all of the parts of the house you will need, such as bedrooms, a kitchen, bathrooms, etc. You can design each bedroom to fit the style of your loved ones. Maybe your sister loves unicorns…she can have a unicorn styled bedroom! You can add special touches like a slide to come down from your room to the main floor! Don’t forget the outside of the house. It may look like a medieval castle or a gingerbread house! Use your imagination!
*When you are finished with your drawing, share it with the people you live with or some friends. Explain to them what you drew and what inspired you to add what you did to your dream house.
Week #1
NFCSD Art Educators
Grade 2
Going for a spring walk
Supplies: pencils, crayons, colored pencils, and/or pen and paper.
*Take a walk in your yard, your neighborhood, at the park (with an adult).
*Pay attention to what you see. Beauty is all around us in the form of nature. Trees, flowers, animals, etc.
*When you get home, draw a picture of your walk…what did you see? Include at least five things you saw on your spring walk. Draw as many details as you can. If you have crayons, markers or colored pencils, add the beautiful colors you saw on your walk, the color of the sky, the grass, the sun, the flowers, etc.
*Share your drawing with someone. Explain to them what you drew and what you saw.