• Assignments For The Week of April 20th to April 24th

    Focus Wall April 20th-April 24th


    Weekly Lesson Topic- Growing Up 

    Sight Words-    Said, Was, Then, Good, Are, Could 


    Big Book 


    Read Aloud Book 



    1. Click to listen our Read Aloud story above, "A Tiger Grows Up".  

    2. Write one thing you learned about tigers and draw a picture to match.

    (EXAMPLE of a fact learned: Tiger cubs drink milk from their mother.)

    (EXAMPLE of a picture to match fact: draw a cub drinking milk)

    3. 5 minutes of fun ELA songs from our ELA page

    4. Sight words (said, was, then, good, ate, could)

    Suggestions for Sight Words-

    Practice writing words, use them in a sentence, do a word hunt in your favorite book, write them on flash cards!




    1. Practice writing your numbers 1-30 (& beyond)

    Number writing 1-30

    Missing numbers fill in

    2. 5-10 minutes of math movement songs from our MATH site

    3. Count out loud to a family member from 1-100

    4. Using your favorite toys or some change: add and subtract

    5. Complete adding to 5 sheet

    Adding to 5

    6. Complete subtraction with pictures sheet

    Subtraction With Pictures



    1. Practice tapping out, reading, & writing CVC words: (Focus- short /u/ sound)

    - CUB

    - TUB

    - RUG

    - NUT

    - DUG

    - MUD


    Tap, read, and color the short U bubbles here: short u bubbles

    Practice more short U words here: short u word practice

    Review the short a sound here: short a scramble


    **Links to printable worksheets below**

    Writing Paper (you can make multiple copies of the writing paper to encourage drawing and writing)

    Number writing 1-30

    Adding to 5 

    Missing numbers fill in

    Subtraction with pictures

    Short U practice

    Short U bubbles

    Short a scramble

    Handwriting practice