Assignments for the Week of May 25th to May 29th
Weekly Lesson Topic- Family Outings
SIGHT WORDS- ask, every, have, help, one, walk
This week's Read Aloud Book and Big Book from Lesson 27:
Read Aloud Book: Someone Bigger
Big Book: One of Three
1. Click to listen to our Read Aloud story above. Someone Bigger
2. Write about: Write about your favorite part of the story. Why was that your favorite part?
(EXAMPLE: I liked the part when_________________. I liked it because _______________.)
(EXAMPLE Draw a picture to match: draw a picture of your favorite part.)
3. 5 minutes of ELA fun from our ELA page
4. Sight words (ask, every, have, help, one, walk )
Suggestions for Sight Words-
Practice writing words, use them in a sentence, do a word hunt in your favorite book, write them on flash cards!
Practice writing your numbers 1-100
- Practice writing your numbers 1-100
5-10 minutes of math movement songs from our MATH site
Count out loud to a family member from 1-100
Watch this 3-d shape video
Complete this 3d shape match
5. Adding and Subtracting practice
Complete this Adding and Subtracting Sheet
Count How Many practice
Complete this Count How Many Sheet
1. Practice tapping out, reading, & writing CVC-e-words: (Focus on the long vowel sounds)vote
role Practice more review cvc-e words here: