• Assignments For  April 27th to May 1st 

    Weekly Focus Wall


    Weekly Lesson Topic- How Things Grow

    Sight Words- all, her, over, she, some, when


    Read A Loud 



    Big Book 



    1. Click to listen our Read Aloud story above, Oscar and the Frog 

    2. Write about your favorite thing that grows,

    (EXAMPLE Flowers start as seeds and grow into flowers)

    (EXAMPLE of a picture to match draw a flower growing from a seed)

    3. 5 minutes of fun ELA songs from our ELA page

    4. Sight words (all, her, over, she, some, when)

    5.  Practice reading the fluency passage with sight words and CVC words.-            

             Fluency Passage                                                

    6.  Complete the Life Cycle of a Plant Worksheet

          Plant Life Cycle 


    Suggestions for Sight Words-

    Practice writing words, use them in a sentence, do a word hunt in your favorite book, write them on flash cards!




    1. Practice writing your numbers 1-30 (& beyond)

        Number writing 1-30

        Missing numbers fill in

    2. 5-10 minutes of math movement songs from our MATH site

    3. Count out loud to a family member from 1-100

    4. Using your favorite toys or some change: add and subtract

    5. Complete adding sheet and word problems

        Addition sheets   

    6. Complete subtraction with pictures sheet

        Subtraction Sheets






    1. Practice tapping out, reading, & writing CVC words: (Focus-long/a/ sound




    Practice more long vowel /a/ words here: CVC-e words /a/

    Do this CVCe worksheet - long /a/ 



    Complete the sheet about your favorite season

    My Favorite Season 



    **Link to printable writing paper below**

    Writing Paper (you can make multiple copies of the writing paper to encourage drawing and writing)