• Assignments for the Week of May 11th to May 15th


    Image Lesson 25



     Weekly Lesson Topic- Growing Food


    SIGHT WORDS-Review Week  

                                                                                                                    he, when, said, by, them, give, she, all



    This week's Read Aloud Book and Big Book from Lesson 25:


    Read Aloud Book: Bread Comes to Life




    Big Book: Pie in the Sky





    1. Click to listen to our Read Aloud story above. Bread Comes to Life


     2. Write about: How people get food from plants?

         (EXAMPLE: People can pick apples off an apple tree.)

         (EXAMPLE of a picture to match: draw a picture of an apple tree)


    3. 5 minutes of fun ELA from our ELA page


    4. Sight words (her, when, said, by, them, give, she, all)

        Suggestions for Sight Words-

    Practice writing words, use them in a sentence, do a word hunt in your favorite book, write them on flash cards!



    1. Practice writing your numbers 1-30 (& beyond)

            number writing 1-30

    1. 5-10 minutes of math movement songs from our MATH site

    2. Count out loud to a family member from 1-100

    3. Study this 2D shape chart and do Drawing Shapes

             - Complete this at Home Shape Hunt 

               Shape Hunt                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

          5. Complete this Addition sheet 

                           Color by Addition

    1. Complete this Pattern Block Sheet                                                                                                                                                                                Pattern Blocks





    1. Practice tapping out, reading, & writing CVC-long o words: (Focus on the long /o/ sound)


     Practice more long vowel /i/ words here: Long O Words

    Do this CVCe worksheet -Long O Worksheets



    1. Make a Rain Gauge!

            Rain Gauge