Welcome from the Dean of Students
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Students at Gaskill Preparatory School are allowed to bring cell phones to school. However, our school policy is that all students must keep their cell phone and any electronic device, in their locker. If the students are uncomfortable keeping the devices in their locker, then we advise them not to bring them to school at all.
Cell phones should be used only to and from school. Ideally, they should maintain an "invisible" presence at Gaskill, so as not to interfere with the operation of the school. Please contact our main office at (716) 278-5820 if you have an emergency or if you need to leave an important message for your child.
The Niagara Falls City School District Code of Conduct states that the disciplinary procedures are as follows:
Disciplinary procedures for unauthorized use of cellular telephones / wireless communication devices, unauthorized use of cellular telephones / wireless communication devices including but not limited to; having the phone / device on; making and / or receiving calls and sending and / or receiving text messages during the school day, during examinations or at school time events, field trips or functions will result in the following penalties:
First Infraction - Immediate confiscation of the cellular telephone / wireless communication device from the student. Returned to identified owner by the main office and / or dean's office at the conclusion of the school day. Parent / guardian to be notified and informed regarding penalties for repeat offenses.
Second Infraction - Immediate confiscation of the cellular telephone / wireless communication device. At the discretion of the administrator, student is subject to a short-term suspension no to exceed five days. Cellular telephone / wireless communication device returned to the parent / guardian of the student upon their request and retrieval. Parent / guardian to again be notified and informed regarding the penalty for repeat offense.
Third Infraction - Immediate confiscation of the cellular telephone / wireless communication device. At the discretion of the administrator, student is subject to a short-term or long-term suspension. Cellular telephone / wireless communication device returned to the parent / guardian of the student upon their request and retrieval at the conclusion of the school year.
We thank you for your cooperation with this matter.