Welcome to My Webpage
Mr. Montante
Social Studies 7th & 8th
I would like to wish everyone well and hope you continue to stay safe during this time. We will continue to move forward even though the schools are closed. During the school year, I have done several online assignments using Microsoft Teams. My plan is to continue to do that during this time. I know some homes are sharing devices as there may be multiple children in the home doing assignments or even adults working from home via a computer. An alternative hard copy paper option will be made available for students that need it.
Students, you have used Microsoft teams many times this school year. Nothing has changed with how we use it but, logging in might be a little different when not using a school computer. Please click on the following link and it will take you to the proper log in area to get started. Office 365 Login Once you click on the link it will ask you to sign in. To properly sign in you must use the same username you use at school to sign onto a computer but, you must also add the following after your username @nfschools.net I will use my name as an example mmontante@nfschools.net. The password is the same password you use to log in at school. I know it has been a while and if you need the password please email me at mmontante@nfschools.net or reach out on remind.
Once you are logged in you will be at a screen where you can pick from several different Microsoft programs and apps. Click on Teams. It should load to a screen where every team you're in will be displayed. Pick the class with my name (Mr. Montante). To keep this simple everything I post will be in the assignment section. Under the assignment tab, you will see assignments with names and dates. Assignments will be posted before Monday to give you a head start. Assignments are due Friday. If you have paper copies there will be a different process in returning your work. For internet users, once you are done you will back out of the assignment and look for the icon towards the right corner saying submit.
I know this will be a huge adjustment for normal but I will have my email opened all day and will answer all questions and concerns as fast as possible.
I will also be using remind. If Mr. Montante is your home base teacher click https://www.remind.com/join/mrmontante and sign up for remind messages. If Mrs. Hosie is your home base teacher but I still teach you social studies click https://www.remind.com/join/montante2 and sign up for remind messages.
There are additional pages the class period students have Social Studies. Students can view and submit work that way if they are having trouble using Microsoft teams. 2nd period students click here. 3rd period students click here.
For English assignments click Mrs. Hosie and it will redirect you to her webpage.
For Math assignments click Ms. Savard and it will redirect you to her webpage.
For Science assignments click Mrs. Altman and it will redirect you to her webpage.