• "There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind." - Mister Rogers


     Please keep in mind the importance of being kind! Although we are apart, we can continue to spread kindness from afar! It's easy to put a smile on someone's face! Here are some ideas:

    • Use chalk to draw pictures on the sidewalk and share positive messages! I have seen so many of these while going for my daily walks with Sabre in our neighborhood!
    • Give a family member a compliment
    • Do a chore without being asked
    • Write a nice note to a friend, relative, service member (Nurse, Doctor, Police Officer, Fire Fighter)
    • Teach someone something new (help a younger sibling with their schoolwork)
    • Decorate kindness rocks
    • Share
    • Pick-up after yourself without being asked
    • Apologize if you do something wrong
    • Say "good job"
    • Color a picture for someone
    • Say "thank you"