Welcome to our MATH page!

Kindergarten Goals-
- Count to 100 by ones and tens
- Count forward from any given number (not 1)
- Write numbers from 0-20
- Represents and counts number of objects with written number to 20.
- Compares set of objects using >,<,=
- Use objects to solve addition problems to 10
- Compose numbers 11-19
- Describe realtive position (above, below, beside,behind,next to)
- Indentify 2D shapes
- Indentify 3D shapes
- Describe and compare objects by length and height
- Classify objects/count number in categories

Investigations Games-
Build It- Teen Numbers
How many to 10?
Toss 10 Chips
Race to the Sun
Click on the following links for some MATH fun!
Count to 100
Count by 5
Count by 10
Learn your addition facts!
Name the Shape game
Count backwards!
Shape Hunt
Count with Allie
Greg Tang Math