Mrs. Angela Frommert, Director

    Email: afrommert@nfschools.net          remind messages: lpsban 

    Gaskill Prep School                                                                    LaSalle Prep School

    Chorus / General Music                                                                                                  Band

    Mornings                                                                                                                Afternoons

    278-5820,  x27210                                                                                     278-5880,  x32116 

    Dear prospective LaSalle Band Parent,

    Band Overview: 

    I would like to take the opportunity to invite your child to join our band here at LaSalle Prep School.  In 7th and 8th grade, band is held every day during the school day- here at LPS it is 8th period.  Also, once every 2 weeks, you have a small group lesson with similar instruments (ie- clarinets, flutes, etc) during either Period 6 or 7.


    During the course of the year we perform two (2) night concerts at LaSalle, as well as 2 day concerts for our school.  In addition, we also have a jazz band which rehearses every Wednesday from 2:30-3:30.  This group performs at our night and school concerts, plus awards/ honors assemblies.  In conjunction with the selected chorus students, we perform a “little rock stars concert” at the Hard Rock Café in Niagara Falls. 

    Performances for Adjudication:

    We also have the opportunity for the students to be adjudicated in several venues throughout the year.  Soloists have the opportunity to audition for the Junior High All-County Band for Niagara.  At the end of every year, as a large group we attend an evaluation to learn about how we grew during the year.  We have attended Darien Lake and Hershey Park (in the sweetest place on earth) for these evaluations.


    Below are the LaSalle Prep band information form, Band T-shirt order form, and the Niagara Falls City School District instrument rental agreement.  You can either scroll through them to preview them or click on them to see them full screen and print.  If you have any problem with the documents, feel free to email our website editor, Miss Kulbago, at Jkulbago@nfschools.net and she can help you.


    If there are any other questions, please contact me at any of the numbers listed above.  It is the summer, so I may not get to them right away!

                Also, please attend the 7th grade orientation and stop by to introduce yourself!

                 Here’s to a great year of music making!!!

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