• Welcome to my class webpage!

    Ms. Kulbago-Onevelo

    7/8th Grade Library/Media Specialist



    (Courtesy of Ethan I.)

     Yes, your library book is overdue.  No, you will not get a fine if you return it! 

    Caught Reading

    See... I'm reading too!  Check out "THE BOOK CORNER" for more details...


  • The Libby App

    Libby App  

    The Libby App is available through your app store as well.  Just enter your library card number, (or sign up for one!) and you can download and borrow books!


  • Open eBooks
    Open ebooks App Open eBooks Library

    Want a FREE library of books at your fingertips? 

    Download the "Open eBooks" app from your app store and email Ms Kulbago for a code.  The code will open a library of books for elementary through high school students.

Last Modified on April 24, 2020