Welcome to General Music
You will find each weeks assignments
through teams on Office 365.
Please email me or text remind if you have any questions.
Below is an overview of the course and what you will learn.
Students will need a 1 subject notebook, folder, pen/pencil,
any previous handouuts, and laptop.
Course Overview
Music is an essential part of humanity that not only shapes growing minds,but also touches people’s lives emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually.
Students will be given the knowledge of music and its elements,
life long skills for active participation in the arts,
and develop abilities to understand and appreciate music and its power.
The curriculum for seventh grade music students is designed toincrease the basic foundations of music implemented in previous years.
The following areas are taught throughout the 13 week school trimester:
Music History, Rhythm, Melody, Composer Research, Careers in Music,
Musical Theatre, Musical Genres, and Composition.
Last Modified on September 15, 2020