Our Goal
Our goal will be to complete two lessons per week, one in science and one in social studies. I suggest you work for 20 to 30 minutes per day on science or social studies, but you can work at your own pace to accomplish the goal each week.
Since it's the last 2 days of school, please HAVE FUN with the end of year activity packet that is assigned. Do it however makes you happy :)
Assignments for the Week of April 13-17
Assignments for the Week of April 13 - 17, 2020
Social Studies:
Medieval Europe Packet (Click this link to open the reading in a new window)
Lesson 1: The Early Middle Ages
Pages 233-236
Assignment: Read the pages 233-236, answering questions in margins as you read. At the end of the reading, complete the “Check for Understanding” questions on page 236.
PLEASE NOTE: When you open the PDF file, click "fill and sign" on the right and you can type your answers right in on the page! If you have any trouble with that, just write your answers in a Word document or on lined paper.
Waves, Sound and Light Reading Essentials Book (Click this link to open the reading in a new window)
Chapter 1, Section 1: What are Waves
Pages 1-5
Assignment: Read pages 1-5, answering the questions in the margins as you read. DO NOT worry about creating a “foldable.” At the end of the reading, please complete the “After You Read” questions 1, 2 and 3.
PLEASE NOTE: When you open the PDF file, click "fill and sign" on the right and you can type your answers right in on the page! If you have any trouble with that, just write your answers in a Word document or on lined paper.
Assignments for the Week of April 20-24
Assignments for the Week of April 20 - 24
Social Studies:
Check out this song on Flocabulary to familiarize yourself with Medieval Europe and warm up your brain!
user: tomala2863
password: month1607
Medieval Europe Packet
Lesson 2: Feudalism and the Rise of Towns (click to open text)
Pages 237-240
Assignment: Read the pages 237-240, paying attention to questions in margins as you read. At the end of the reading, complete the “Check for Understanding” questions on this form and submit.
If you're not sure about an answer to a question, go back into the text and read closely - you'll find it! If you're really stumped, type your best answer in the box and let me know you were having trouble with the question.
Check out this song on Flocabulary to familiarize yourself with waves and warm up your brain!
user: tomala2863
password: month1607
Waves, Sound and Light Reading Essentials Book
Chapter 1, Section 2: Wave Properties
Pages 6-10
Assignment: Read pages 6-10, answering the questions in the margins as you read. DO NOT worry about creating a “foldable.” At the end of the reading, complete the “Check for Understanding” questions on this formand submit.
If you're not sure about an answer to a question, go back into the text and read closely - you'll find it! If you're really stumped, type your best answer in the box and let me know you were having trouble with the question.
Assignments for the Week of April 27-May 1
Assignments for the Week of April 27 - May 1
Social Studies:
Check out this song on Flocabulary to familiarize yourself with Medieval Europe and warm up your brain!
user: tomala2863
password: month1607
Medieval Europe Packet
Lesson 3: Kingdoms and Crusades
Pages 241-244
Assignment: Read the pages 241-244, paying attention to questions in margins as you read. At the end of the reading, complete the “Check for Understanding” questions on this form and submit.
If you're not sure about an answer to a question, go back into the text and read closely - you'll find it! If you're really stumped, type your best answer in the box and let me know you were having trouble with the question.
Check out this song on Flocabulary to familiarize yourself with waves and warm up your brain!
user: tomala2863
password: month1607
Waves, Sound and Light Reading Essentials Book
Chapter 1, Section 3: Wave Behavior
Pages 11-16
Assignment: Read pages 11-16, thinking about answers to the questions in the margins as you read. DO NOT worry about creating a “foldable.” At the end of the reading, please complete the “After You Read” questions on this form and submit.
Assignments for the Week of May 4 - May 8
Social Studies:
Read the following:
Lesson 4: Culture and the Church (click to open the reading)
Assignment: Read the pages 245-248 in the document above, thinking about the questions in margins as you read. At the end of the reading, complete the questions on THIS FORM (click the blue link to get to the form) and submit when you have answered the questions.
Read the following:
Chapter 2, Section 1: What Is Sound? (cick to open the reading)
Assignment: Read pages 17-25 in the document above, answering the questions in the margins as you read. DO NOT worry about creating a “foldable.” At the end of the reading, please complete the “After You Read” questions ON THIS FORM (click on the blue link for the form). Submit the form when you have answered the questions.
Check out this great video about waves! Wave Properties for Kids
Assignments for the Week of May 11 - May 15
Social Studies:
Medieval Europe Packet - Lesson 5: The Early Middle Ages (click to open reading)
Pages 249-252
Assignment: Read the pages 249-252, paying attention to the questions in margins as you read. At the end of the reading, complete the questions on THIS FORM (click blue link) and submit.
This week, also complete your (optional) COVID Coat of Arms project representing yourself and take a photo and send it to atomala@nfschools.net. I can't wait to see your shields!
Waves, Sound and Light Reading Essentials Book
Chapter 2, Section 2: Music (click to open reading)
Pages 26-34
Assignment: Read pages 26-34, thinking about the questions in the margins as you read. DO NOT worry about creating a “foldable.” At the end of the reading, please complete the “After You Read” questions 1, 2 and 3 ON THIS FORM (click to get to form) and submit.
Assignments for the Week of May 18 - May 22
Social Studies:
NEW – Renaissance and Reformation Packet
Lesson 1: The Renaissance Begins (CLICK ON THE BLUE LINK TO OPEN THE READING)
Pages 253-256
Assignment: Read the pages 253-256, thinking about the questions in margins as you read. At the end of the reading, complete the “Check for Understanding” questions on THIS FORM (click on the link) and submit for credit.
You can also check out this cool Nearpod lesson on The Renaissance, too! CLICK HERE FOR NEARPOD LESSON.
Waves, Sound and Light Reading Essentials Book
Chapter 3, Section 1: The Nature of Electromagnetic Waves (CLICK ON THE BLUE LINK TO OPEN THE READING)
Pages 35-39
Assignment: Read pages 35-39, thinking about the questions in the margins as you read. DO NOT worry about creating a “foldable.” At the end of the reading, please complete the “After You Read” questions ON THIS FORM (click on the link to get to the form) and submit for credit.
Assignments for the Week of May 25 - May 29
Week of May 25 – May 29, 2020
Social Studies:
Renaissance and Reformation Packet
Lesson 2: New Ideas and Art (click the blue link to open the text)
Pages 257-260
Assignment: Read the pages 257-260, answering questions in margins as you read. At the end of the reading, complete the “Check for Understanding” questions on THIS FORM (click the blue link) and submit for credit.
Waves, Sound and Light Reading Essentials Book
Chapter 3, Section 2: The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Pages 40-46
Assignment: Read pages 40-46, answering the questions in the margins as you read. DO NOT worry about creating a “foldable.” At the end of the reading, please complete the "After You Read" questions ON THIS FORM (click the blue link) and submit.
Assignments for the Week of June 1 - June 5
Social Studies:
Renaissance and Reformation Packet
Lesson 3: The Reformation Begins (click to open the reading)
Pages 261-264
Assignment: Read the pages 261-264, answering questions in margins as you read. At the end of the reading, complete the “Check for Understanding” questions on THIS FORM (click link) and submit for credit.
Waves, Sound and Light Reading Essentials Book
Chapter 3, Section 3: Using Electromagnetic Waves (click to open the reading)
Pages 47-50
Assignment: Read pages 47-50, answering the questions in the margins as you read. DO NOT worry about creating a “foldable.” At the end of the reading, please complete the “After You Read” questions on THIS FORM (click the link) and submit for credit.
Assignments for June 8-10, 2020 - HAVE FUN!
Have fun with this end of the school year activity packet!
Do it HOWVER YOU LIKE! Be creative and commemorate this wild school year!