• Beginning MONDAY, MAY 11TH, I will no longer be your math teacher :(!! 

    I will be starting my maternity leave.  Therefore, several things will be changing....

     *You will NO LONGER be going to Mr. Speidel's website for assignments

    *You will NO LONGER be sending me your work on REMIND or through email


    SO, what do you have to do????

     Mrs. Kristin Lewis will be taking over for my classes beginning Monday, May 11th, until the end of the school year.  Therefore, to get the weekly Algebra assignments, you must access HER page (link below).


    *Assignments will be posted here... https://www.nfschools.net/Page/6687

    *You will still be turning in assignments on REMIND, but you will have to send them to Mrs. Lewis

    (she is on our REMIND for Cluster 8A)

    *You can EMAIL her your assignments here... KLewis@nfschools.net



Last Modified on May 10, 2020