• Welcome to My Class Webpage


    PLease Listen to  a special song dedicated to our students on Kalfas' Home Page!



    apple Mrs. C. Asklarapple

    Contact me : casklar@nfschools.net


    Text me on  class dojo dojo

    Distant Learning started on April 13th :)

    I am thinking of you and I miss you! I hope you are staying healthy while you are at home with your family.  Please remember to work on schoolwork everyday! 

    Children in my class, you can go on Smarty Ants , Moby Max,  Kids A-Z .  These programs are  on Symbaloo.  For all other  assignments click on the tabs on the left. I will be checking these programs to see how great you are doing.

    Parents, I am here to HELP and answer any questions or talk to you, text me on Class Dojo.  I have student numbers if you need them to access websites, student numbers can  also can be found on your child's report card.

    Always try your Kindergarten Best !

    welocome to kindergarten

    Many of our favorite websites can be found on Symbaloo

    Click to go to Symbaloo


    Big List


    Please click on the tabs on the left to begin

Last Modified on June 1, 2020