Welcome to My Class Webpage
PLease Listen to a special song dedicated to our students on Kalfas' Home Page!
Mrs. C. Asklar
Contact me : casklar@nfschools.net
Text me on class dojo
Distant Learning started on April 13th :)
I am thinking of you and I miss you! I hope you are staying healthy while you are at home with your family. Please remember to work on schoolwork everyday!
Children in my class, you can go on Smarty Ants , Moby Max, Kids A-Z . These programs are on Symbaloo. For all other assignments click on the tabs on the left. I will be checking these programs to see how great you are doing.
Parents, I am here to HELP and answer any questions or talk to you, text me on Class Dojo. I have student numbers if you need them to access websites, student numbers can also can be found on your child's report card.
Always try your Kindergarten Best !
Many of our favorite websites can be found on Symbaloo
Click to go to Symbaloo
Please click on the tabs on the left to begin