• welcome


  • Mrs. Leo


    ENL Teacher




    call/text (607)742-5197


  • Hello boys and girls!

    I miss you all very much and hope you are staying safe! I know this is a hard time for everyone, but we will get through this! Please use our Class Dojo to contact me for help with any of your class work. You will also find helpful resources here as well. I hope we can all be back together again soon! In the meantime, do your best to stay happy, healthy and safe!

    Mrs. Leo 


    *Please email me for translation support at mrleo@nfschools.net 

  • April 13th - April 17th 

     Resources and Support

    Kindergarten-Practice writing your first and last name. Practice writing letters 1-20. Show a family member!


    Fourth- Please reach out on Class Dojo or email for support with your comprehension packets!


    Fifth- Unit 12 of Journeys

    Read aloud in Spanish:Lesson 12 in Spanish 


    Sixth-Rosetta Stone Practice Daily to work on English Speaking and Listening Skills!

  • April 20th - April 24h 

     Resources and Support

    Kindergarten-Practice writing your first and last name. Practice writing letters 1-20. Show a family member!


    Fourth- Please reach out on Class Dojo or email for support with your comprehension packets!


    Fifth- Unit 13 of Journeys

    Read aloud in Spanish:Molly Lajarra


    Sixth-Rosetta Stone Practice Daily to work on English Speaking and Listening Skills!

  • April 27th - May 1st 

     Resources and Support

    Kindergarten-Practice writing your first and last name. Practice writing letters 1-20. Show a family member!


    Fourth-Unit 19 of Journeys

    Read aloud in Spanish Cosechando Esperanza


    Fifth- Unit 13 of Journeys

    Read aloud in Spanish:James Forten


    Sixth-Rosetta Stone Practice Daily to work on English Speaking and Listening Skills!

  • May 4th - May 8th

     Resources and Support

    Kindergarten-Read a story either alone or with a family member and try to write a response. Use the sentence frame "I like the part when_______".


    Fourth-Unit 20 of Journeys

    Read aloud in Spanish Sacagawea


    Fifth- Unit 15 of Journeys

    Read aloud in Spanish: Nosotros tambien estuvimos alli


    Sixth-Rosetta Stone Practice Daily to work on English Speaking and Listening Skills! 

  • May 11th - May 15th

     Resources and Support

    Kindergarten-This weeks stories in Lesson 25 is about foods we get from plants. What do you like to eat? Practice your writing by writing as much as you can about what you like to eat! 


    Fourth-Unit 21of Journeys

    Read aloud in Spanish El mundo segun humphrey


    Fifth- Unit 16 of Journeys

    Read aloud in Spanish: Dinero para comer

    Make Your Own Comic Project

    Video Instructions for Comic Book Project

    Look for Youtube videos to help you make your own comic

    You can write/draw about anything you want

    Make Believe Comix Website To Make Your Own Comic

    Remember your comic must have:

    1. a storyline

    2. pictures

    3. dialogue (characters talking to each other)

    Email Mr. F when you are done: If you do a paper copy send him a picture!


    Sixth-Rosetta Stone Practice Daily to work on English Speaking and Listening Skills! 

    Listen to the Amplify text from unit 6D The Greeks and other resources such as History For Kids

    Use the web quest on Mrs. Koch's website to learn about more Gods!

    Create a "Missing" or "Wanted" Poster for a Greek God or Goddess! Get Creative! Use words and Pictures to describe how they look and what they are known for.

  • May 25th - May 29nd

     Resources and Support

    Kindergarten-Write a story about your favorite day with your family. Tell who you were with and what you did. Please make a picture to match your words and share it with a family memeber!


    Fourth-Lesson 23 of Journeys

    Read aloud in Spanish Owen y Mzee


    Fifth- Lesson 14 of Journeys

    Read aloud in Spanish:El peridico camino

    Complete the quiz on Mr. F's website




    Sixth-Rosetta Stone Practice Daily to work on English Speaking and Listening Skills! 


    Continue if not compelte:


    Listen to the Amplify text from unit 6D The Greeks and other resources such as History For Kids

    Use the web quest on Mrs. Koch's website to learn about more Gods!

    Create a "Missing" or "Wanted" Poster for a Greek God or Goddess! Get Creative! Use words and Pictures to describe how they look and what they are known for.

  • June 1 - June 5

     Resources and Support

    Kindergarten-Read the story Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the Last Day of Kindergarten on Mrs. Clyde's website. 

    Throughout the week, write and draw a story about how you felt on you first day of kindergarten. 

    Use the sentence frame: I felt ______________on my first day of kindergarten. 

    Be sure to make your picture match your words. 


    Fourth-Lesson 23 of Journeys

    Read aloud in Spanish Owen y Mzee and complete the project below on Ms. Flinchum's website. 

     Imagine that Owen and Mzee could talk. Pick 1 character (if you could find someone to be the opposite character in your video, GREAT!!) In a video (if you do not have access to video tape yourself, you may write a script), describe what it was like when you first met each other and discuss what your life was like before the encounter. Based on the text, tell how your life was like before the encounter. Based on the text, tell how your life has changed since the first time that you met. The videos can be sent to Ms. Flunchum on remind, my email (lmflinchum@nfschools.net), or her cell phone.



    Fifth- Lesson 19 of Journeys

    Read aloud in Spanish:Darnell Rock Informa

    Complete the quiz on Mr. F's website and the lesson work on Nearpod.



    Sixth-Rosetta Stone Practice Daily to work on English Speaking and Listening Skills! 

    Sub-Unit 4: Write your essay! Do your best to write you Amplify solo essary on Celebrating A Hero's Story. Use the reading and videos from the previous lessons to help you create your essay. 


Last Modified on June 1, 2020