I Miss You!

  • Hello boys and girls!


      First of all, I want to let you know that I miss you all very much. Since the first day of school I have felt very lucky to see your smiling faces everyday. I hope that you are staying safe, washing your hands, and practicing social distancing. It's important that we all do our part so that we can see each other again soon. Until that time, however, know that I am thinking about you, I'm missing you, and I'm hoping you are all doing well!


    Please feel free to email me or reach out on Remind if you have specific questions regarding assignments or resources as we start to dive in on April 13th. Know that we are here to help you just as we do everyday within the Niagara Street School walls. I know this is new and maybe even a bit scary (as new things sometimes are), but remember that we are here for YOU! 


    To make things easier, all assignments will be updated on Mr. Forgione and Mrs. Gaczewski's webpages. All grade level resources and resources specific to my groups can be found on here. Be sure to check back frequently as I will be updating regularly. 


    Until then, be safe, be well, and be kind!


    Thinking of you, 

    Ms. Palmer