Please follow assignments for Monday and Tuesday!
June 9th is last day of school!
Monday: Quiz Game, pg. 99
Tuesday: Jack and the beans, pg. 107
- Read story with a family member
-Read story alone
Spelling Words:
sad, sadly, slow, slowly, dust, dusty, trick, tricky, help, helpful
-Practice writing three times each
-Write each word in a complete sentence
-Have someone quiz you! (make sure to send it to me on Remind)
Monday: 3.2 pg. 328, Blocks (show three ways to solve, ex. Number line, picture, 10 frame)
Tuesday: 3.3 pg. 329, Adding Multiples of 10
*Extra Practice: Go to Math Game page and choose a math game to play
Watch video: School is out for summer
In your composition notebook: Write your favorite thing to do in the summer. Be sure to give three details why it is your favorite. Make sure to use complete sentences, upper case in the beginning and a period at the end of sentences.
*Example: My favorite thing to do in the summer is ___________ because___________.
*30 minutes of SmartAnts or Kids A-Z daily (go to daily online assignments)