• Dear young artists & parents,

     We all hope everyone is staying healthy and safe during this most unique and unprecedented time.

     The listed art lessons are created and provided to you by all the Elementary Art Teachers of the NFCSD.

     The listed art lessons are not meant to cause any extra problems or stress.  These art lessons are for the purpose of keeping your mind creatively thinking and to give every student an outlet to relieve stress, take your mind off of what is going on, do something different, and to do something fun. The art lessons also cause you to use another part of your brain which needs and wants to be used. These art lessons also provide those students who are more artistically inclined or have been waiting for ways to use their artistic skills and express themselves a structured way to do so.

     Any art lessons listed can be created with any dry media you have.  Dry mediums are: pencil, crayons, colored pencils, markers, and pen. If you have paints you are more than welcome to use paint on any of these art lessons (unless otherwise specified), but it is not required.

     All of the Elementary Art Teachers miss seeing all of their young artists and wish we could teach you these projects in person.  We wish we could be there to see your excited faces as you work hard on your art and be there to guide and help when needed.  Until the day when we can all go back to our normal school lives we hope you enjoy these art lessons we have given you to do at home.

     Please continue to stay healthy and safe.


    The NFCSD Elementary Art Teachers