    2024-25 School Year

    Mr. Merino

    Welcome to Bloneva Bond Primary School!

    As a school in Good Standing, we focus on meeting the needs of the “Whole Child” at Bloneva Bond Primary.

    Our school focus is:

    1. Frequent support and education of student and staff social-emotional well-being.
    2. Purposeful and active student engagement in student learning through frequent movement.
    3. The exploration, celebration, and engagement with our students, families, and staff regarding Multi-Culturalism & Diversity.


    Social-Emotional Learning 

    • School-Wide programming centered around social-emotional learning.
    • UB Trauma Institute Professional Development and Training for staff.
    • Student Social Emotional push in lessons.
    • Implementation of the Move This World Program.
    • Tiered Social-Emotional interventions for all students.


    Active Student Engagement

    • Student SMART folders to track student progress.
    • Teacher Data Chats to identify student strengths, areas for growth, and goals.
    • Student Math and Movement for multi-sensory and movement-based learning.
    • Guided Reading: Literacy Footprints 30 minutes per day.
    • STEM instruction weekly that encourages observation, questioning, and stresses the engineering design process.


    Multi-Culture & Diversity Exploration, Celebration, and Engagement with students, families, and staff

    • A Multi-Cultural & Diversity Team will meet monthly to plan student, staff, and family activities.
    • Monthly Multi-Cultural themes revolving around the celebration of various cultures and countries.
    • Multi-Cultural guest speakers and performances.




    Mr. Merino
