Week of May 26th- May 29th Lessons For Reading, ENGLISH and LANGUAGE ARTS
These are the things we will be learning this week. Click on LESSON 27 FOCUS WALL to see a summary.
Words To Know-High Frequency Words pages 46-47
(You can listen and view below in Journeys Text Book)
ASSIGNMENT: Please practice reading these words daily. You can make flashcards with them to practice reading them too! Please pick 5 words and put each word into a sentence. This paper is to be turned in to school.
1. different, 2. near, 3. enough, 4. stories, 5. high, 6. always, 7. once, 8. happy
ANCHOR TEXT: What Can You Do? A Book About Discovering What You Can Do Well Pages 51-69
This text is considered realistic fiction. Realistic fiction is a made up story about people that could happen in real life. As you read look for characters who act as real people do. Think of events that could really happen.
Target: We can summarize the story. Summarizing occurs when you stop every few pages to recall the events that just happened.
Essential Question: Why Is It Important to Try Your Best? (think about this question as you read the story)
Students can listen to the story,'What Can You Do? A Book About Discovering What You Can Do Well'. When you click the link below you will see Unit 6 Lesson #27. You will be able to pull up the high frequency words You can also listen to the anchor text.
To view click here JOURNEYS UNIT 6
This week I have one phonics/skills activity per day for you to complete. There are 5 total. Follow the directions on the pages. To work on the activities, click on Phonics/Skills Work.
This week I have one phonics/skills activity per day for you to complete. There are 5 total. Follow the directions on the pages. To work on the activities, click here: Phonics/Skills Work (scroll down on page to view all 5 lessons) These pages will be turned in to school.
OPINION Writing: Write an opinion piece about what is the best thing to do on a warm sunny day. What is it? Give 3 reasons why you think it's the best. An opinion is what an individual person thinks or believes. (THIS WILL BE TURNED INTO SCHOOL)
Remember to include the following:
Parts of Opinion Writing:
1. The topic sentence tells your opinion, or what you think about the topic.
2. Detail sentences support the reason for your opinion. The word Because may be used to give a reason. Give 3 reasons.
3. Ending sentence may restate the opinion. An exclamation point may be used to show that you are feeling strongly about something.
Don't forget to draw a picture to go along with your story. I look forward to reading your stories! This story will be turned in to school.
On a warm sunny day I like to _________________________________.
I like to _____________________________________ because_______________________________________________.
This is my favorite thing to do because ____________________________________________. I like to ________________________ also because____________________________________________.
I can't wait until _______________________________________________!
This week there are only 2 decodables. Please read them both and do the following activites.
1. Read the title and decide whether the book is fiction or non-fiction, why?
2. Read the story with your child, then they should read it alone, and then they could read it to you or another family member. Reading over helps build fluency!
3. Identify the vowel rule.
Book 1: The Three Races, Pages 35- 42. Look for words with inflections-er, and -est. (ANSWERS: bigger, faster, fatter, nicer, slower, speedier)
Book 2: Seed Sisters, Pages 43-50. Look for words with inflections-er, and -est. (AMSWERS: bigger, faster, flatter, longer, nicest quicker, rounder, shorter, slower)
To read your story, click here on DECODABLES UNIT 6 and turn to the correct pages.
FRIDAY: Choose your favorite decodable story. Re-read the story. Write why it was your favorite and make sure that you give a reason why it was your favorite. Draw a picture of your favorite part. (Do on paper or in your notebook)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SPELLING WORDS: 1. hard, 2. harder, 3. hardest, 4. fast, 5. fastter, 6. fastest, 7. slow, 8. slower, 9. slowest, 10. sooner.(Please do on paper to turn in to school)* Write words 3x's each* Practice Spelling________________________________________________________________If time allows visit my reading resource page and enjoy some of your favorite sites under Symbaloo.________________________________________________________________Keep up the good work! If you have a problem please feel free to reach out to me on the Remind app, class Dojo or send me an email to hkorzelius@nfschools.net. I miss you all so much!!!!Mrs. KorzeliusHAVE FUN THIS WEEK THE WEATHER IS GOING TO BE VERY NICE!