• Cataract Elementary School  

    All About Cataract Elementary 

    Cataract Elementary School, named after the Niagara Falls, our city's own cataract or large waterfall, was established in September 2007. As part of the Niagara Falls City School Districts' Facing the Future initiative, students from the former 60th and 66th Street schools merged into this newer building. Complete with a full service cafeteria, pool, and air conditioning, its one floor design provides a perfect learning environment for students.

    Cataract Elementary serves students in grades Pre K 3 – 6. It houses approximately 515 students, 47 teachers, 25 support staff members, and one administrator. Cataract Elementary draws a very diverse student population from all socio-economic areas of Niagara Falls.

    Cataract Elementary offers a wide range of programming for its learning community that include:

    Morning and After School Latch Key

    Morning News Team

    Safety Patrol



    Focus on Families

    P.E.G. - Parent Education Group