• Welcome To First Grade


    Mrs. Kempa


    School Picture


    First Grade

    Cataract Elementary School

    Room 185

    Email: nkempa@nfschools.net


    Hello all of my favorite First Graders (and families),


    Welcome to our classroom webpage!

    I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy at home!

    I miss seeing each and every one of your smiling faces each day!!

    Please continue to stay home, wash your hands and enjoy some valuable family time with your loved ones at home!


    Parents and Guardians: Please check here regularly for any news, updates & work for your child. If you need anything at all or have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email me or contact me on Class Dojo. If you are currently not on Class Dojo and would like access, please send me an email and I will assist in getting you signed up!


    Thank You!


    Love & Hugs,

    Mrs. Kempa